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    ALTURA CLOUD SL (AUSUM CLOUD) is the Responsible for the processing of the personal data of the Interested Party and informs them that this data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on personal data protection, for which the following information is provided of the treatment:

    End of the treatment: involve the Interested Party in the personnel selection processes, carrying out an analysis of the applicant's profile in order to select the best candidate for the vacant position of the Responsible.

    Legitimation: The treatment of the CV and personal data is based on the consent that the interested party must give by signing this document. You can withdraw your consent at any time.

    Data conservation criteria: they will be kept for a maximum period of one year, after which, the data will be blocked for the legally established time, guaranteeing total respect for confidentiality both in the treatment and in its subsequent destruction. .

    Updating of the data: in the event of any modification to your data, please notify us in writing as soon as possible, in order to keep your data duly updated.

    Communication of the data: the data will not be communicated to third parties, except legal obligation or those providers linked to the Responsible who act as managers of the treatment.

    Likewise, it is reported that you can exercise the rights of access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data, as well as that of limitation and opposition to its treatment by contacting ALTURA CLOUD SL in Gran Vía de Carlos III, 94 1º 4º - 08028 Barcelona ( Barcelona). Email: You can also file a claim at if you consider that the treatment does not comply with current regulations.

    The Interested Party is informed and consents to the processing of their data in the terms set forth.

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